BAT by Asit C. Mehta

by Asit C Mehta Investment Interrmediates Ltd



Open a BAT Demat & Trading account to access Stocks, ETFs, Mutual Funds, Options, Futures, Currency, Commodities, IPOs, and SGBs.Explore the world of investing and trading with a cutting-edge versatile platform crafted exclusively to transact. Unleash your potential with a platform thats #MadeForIndiansRevolutionize your experience with our intuitive application, bringing innovation to your fingertips.Algo executionQuick tradeStrategy builderInvestment ideasBasket orders and Many more..!Stock market Investment:• Open a Demat and trading account online• Buy and sell stocks with a few click• Trade in Futures and Options• Currency TradingOur Product Offerings:• Mutual funds & SIP• Stocks & Intraday• iBasket• Fixed Income Instruments• Futures & Options (FnO)• Initial Public Offerings (IPO)• Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGBs) And Many More.!App Features:Developed entirely using cutting-edge technologiesFresh and modern design, encompassing everything from the login process to the order windowNoticeable enhancements in speed performanceConvenient pre-set watchlist for quick market updatesBiometric security with 2-factor authentication (2FA)Integration of TradingView chartsImmediate status updates following order placementSecure and seamless platform experienceUser-friendly Dark/Light mode optionsYour complete Investment solution all under one app!How do you open a BAT Demat & Trading account?Sign up with personal details, Add bank account details, Add a Nominee, and eSign — Online Demat & Trading account opening with PAN, Aadhaar, and eKYC.For any concerns, connect with us on - 022-2858 4545, 022-6787 8988Email: [email protected] Us: • Member name: Asit C. Mehta Investment Interrmediates Ltd.• SEBI Registration Code: BSE / NSE/ Single Regn No. : INZ000186336• Member Code: NSE: 06072 / BSE: 0003• Registered Exchange name(s): NSE / BSE• Exchange-approved segment(s): NSE: Capital Market, Futures and Options, Debt, Currency Derivatives BSE: Cash, Equity Derivatives, Commodity Derivatives, Currency Derivatives